A Walk To Montreux – iPhone 6 Plus test

So this is the second video of this kind that I quickly put together. I took a little walk in the Montreux Riviera region and thought it would be a good opportunity to test the video capabilities of my new iPhone 6 Plus.


I’ve made a few video shots without any post-treatment of any kind. It seems clear to me that mobile electronic devices are now delivering overwhelmingly beautiful image results. The sharpness, compression, automatic exposure and stabilisation are pretty impressive on the new iPhone 6. It also helps that the city itself is such a wonderful place. Enjoy !


Testing the iPhone 4S

Well, I finally had some time to test the new iPhone 4S! I find the results astonishing. So here are 2 videos that I’ve made recently, with just some basic image corrections. The depth of field is awesome thanks to the new optics, the stabilizer is not bad at all and a shiny full HD resolution! I feel I can make a pretty nice film anywhere now!

A Walk by the Lake:

Feux de l’Avent 2011:



I’m pretty happy with this investment, and taking pictures can be great with some cool apps! Here’s a list here.